It's 22:55 PM right now. This AC makes my mouth trembling , so does my heart. I don't know why. By the way TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY. 29th January 2010. Gawd, today 15 tomorrow 16. Yup i'm one year younger than the others. 1995. "Umur muda tampang tua" -SS. Cih , don't say that please. Don't know what to say but...... brrr it's so cold~ as you know i set my AC into 18 and.... wait! *gotta change it*.
Sebenarnya hati gue cenat-cenut dari tadi. entah. sigh~. mulai dari jam 19.00 gue leyeh-leyeh di kasur sambil sketching di buku hijau tercinta yang berdebu tebal *mwah love you greeny*. Seperti biasa gue setel musik kenceng2 , lagi males denger bonyok ngomong aja hehe jadi gue pura2 budek aja *sorry*. Lanjut.
Lembar pertama gue gambar sesuatu yg colorful dan mulai di lembar kedua gue gambar yang bikin hati gue menye minta ampun. Pokoknya gue gambar sesuatu. (18:06).
Eh SELANJUTNYA lembar ketiga , lembar keempat , dan kelima... urgh menye ga nahan . Alhasil malam ini , tanggal 28 Januari 2010 , start from 19:00 PM until 22:30 PM gue jadi anak sok lemah dan melemah. Bukannya seneng2 juga! hehehe. BTW anak2 pada nonton dvd "Dear John" gue yang menye minta ampun dan dengan gampangnya mereka terkena dampak sama seperti gue.
"Gue nangis fir... dan ga bisa berhenti!" -maidina
"Menye banget , tapi kenapa harus army? kan gue jadi...." -Ika
'Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you.'
'No matter where you are in the world,the moon is never bigger than your thumb.'
'So there's something else I wanna tell you. Right before everything went black, you wanna know the very last thing that entered my mind? You.'
-John Tyree
This scene emm *nosebleeding* romantic err
First time they met each other
'Our story has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. And although this is the way all stories unfold, I still can’t believe ours didn’t go on forever'
— Dear John
I’ll think about you everyday. Part of me is scared that there will come a time when you don’t feel the same way, that you’ll somehow forget what we shared.
— Dear John