18 Maret 2011

I am such a coward girl

Some times i'm such a coward.
Some times i'm such a little chick behind its mother
Some times i'm such a little girl in the blanket
Some times i'm such a blind and deaf person

Not in sound condition is one of my reason
Feeling blue is one of the way to express this cowardness

I couldn't face the realities in front of me
I couldn't differentiate the true and the false one

Life is not a mistake that can be red penciled
Black listing this cowardness such a hard thing to be done
I'm a yellow streak person

Robin hood!! please save me!! i'm dying for God's sake!
Russel crowe a.k.a Robin longstride!! lend a hand to me please!

Teach me how to be a tough girl
                       to be a strong girl
                       to be as solid as a stone
                       to be as massive as d'masiv #abaikan

Take me out!

"What the heck with this girl? i don't even know her name!"

9.43 pm. gue udah ngantuk (alaaahh lemah lo fir!) , untuk mengantisipasi itu gue bikin kopi. Tapi rasanya gak pas. makasi yak!